Life changing facts I learnt at MEDALL.

  •  Did you know Pcos and Pcod can happen at any age?

• Did you know that osteoporosis symptoms can never be known, until you get tested?

• Did you know that you might look healthy but u might end up having more health isssues then anyone?

  • Did you know that you its important to have all three meals to feel the energy?

Well so I had visited Medall research center on the occasion of Women’s day and thanks to Dr Akhila, and Apasara learnt a lot of things about being a women.
I literally have more clearer view on how i should take care of my body and how I can be more fitter in life.

Dr AKHILA RAVIKUMAR works on the welfare of prevention of Diabetes by conducting camps . She runs master health program in Medall. Such a lovely lady, who is open to learn new things .

little about MEDALL :

Medall is effecting a change in this status quo. Today, Medall has disrupted the medical diagnostics landscape, by bringing world-class integrated preventive healthcare services closer to the undeserved.
It has set up radiology and pathology labs in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and towns in India and has firmly established itself as India’s premier integrated diagnostics chain, having served over 9 million customers performing more than 25 million tests.

ABOUT Apsara is a certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and World Yoga Organization. She has learned the Ashtanga practice directly from Mysore with Ramesh ji, a lifetime member of the Mysore Yoga Association as well as from Ravi and Sreemathy, direct disciples of guru Sri K Pattabhi Jois.

They have this amazing test which is an all body checkup for women. It gives you a blueprint of all the top to bottom issues. That you never know existed. If u wish to take the test and know a lil more about your health.

The topic Dr Akhila spoke about :

  • Common diseases affecting women are:
  • PCOs and PCOd mostly occurs to women which leads to hormonal disorder which causes a ghotala in your system and you get menstrual irregularities which means late periods, obesity, hair on face chest, etc and infertility which can or cannot be true.
  • Obesity- Well lets just say we tend to gain weight coz of various reason, biggest reason is being lazy. As we end up doing so much work during our day, which makes us lethargic. Also unhealthy eating, is an another cause.
  • Depression/Anxiety disorder: long working hours as well as factors such as lack of sleep, too much tension, worrying for no reason, crazy work life schedule , love life not going great, etc there are soo many ways because of which you get depressed or get anxiety.
  • Chronic Backache: Caused due to long work hours, especially sedentary jobs with long hours of static, can happen coz of Pcos/d also ,posture at work and inappropriate back support.
  • Infertility: Lifestyle issues are a part of us living in the current world which leads to both fertility rate among women as well as pregnancies, affecting mothers who wish to get pregnant .
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: Biggest problem in recent times, Sun is the total and only saver, yes you have medicines . But SUN bathing is what you should be doing to save yourself.
  • Breast Cancer: Incidence of breast cancer is increasing in younger women, due to unhealthy lifestyles. In 5% women, it could be genetic, therefore the testing has to be done at an early age. Keep doing mammography every 2 months,or just go meet a doctor. Best way to keep yourself healthy.

Hope you all enjoyed this bit of information, and if you wish to know more about the test . Please do ping. 😀

Happy reading 
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